泰国媒体点赞中国比丘尼养立法师 出乎意料英文演说“震撼”世界 |
2016年2月26日更新皈依佛网 (记者王丽君 姚勇)中国比丘尼养立法师23日在刚刚开幕的第三届世界佛教杰出领袖奖上,发言中“出人意料”地全程用流利的英文发表了题为“光明与我们同在”的主题演讲,引起与会者的强烈兴趣与关注。 养立法师用流利的英文发表了近十分钟的演讲,与会的各国高僧和文化精英都感到“震撼”。对于她在第三届颁奖典礼前主旨发言上的表现,泰国媒体不吝赞美之词:“身穿棕色袈裟、戴着眼镜的比丘尼雍容不凡,气质高雅。”大公佛教认为,养立法师良好的英语专业素养,极大的改变了国际佛教界对中国大陆汉传佛教的认知,对于推动汉传佛教的国际传播与发展有着重要意义。 “这意味着养立法师已经可以在世界上用英语作为中国汉传佛教界的一员进行发言,直接用这种国际通行的语言和人交流,这有利于外国人了解中国汉传佛教的真实情况”。在接受大公网副总编辑史利伟采访时,印度UTTRAKHAND省长秘书Dr Heero hito 说。 以下为养立法师在泰国主旨发言上的演讲全文: 作为一个年轻的中国比丘尼,我十分荣幸被授予“2016世界佛教卓越领袖奖”。按照中国传统的礼貌习惯,我应该说我的努力尚不足以承受这项荣誉,但考虑到这个奖项对于佛教全球化传播的价值导向作用,我更愿意将其视为对“佛教当代化”的一种鼓励。因此,我将就此与各位交流分享我的心得。我认为“佛教当代化”这一词汇一直具有紧迫感,佛教传播的历史,就是一个相续不断的“当代化”的过程,佛陀的教诲—关于生命的感悟和心灵的感悟—总是在不同的国家和地区,与其政治、文化和习俗想结合而表现出这些国家和地区的“当代化”特点。 佛教传入中国,经过与中国文化的融合,本身已成为中国传统文化的性格的一部分。比如,我所在的曹山宝积寺,就是中国佛教八大宗之一的禅宗的一个重要支派——曹洞宗的祖庭。禅宗对佛陀教诲的修学表现出注重“直指人心”(即直接的心灵感悟)的特点,并发展出“农禅”(即僧人从事农耕自给自足)的特色,这使得在中国历史上贵族化的其他佛教宗派受到抑制时,平民化的禅宗反而能够生存并发展扩大。由此可见“佛教当代化”是如此的重要:佛陀的教诲以及对佛陀教诲的修学已成为传统,而结合了区域和时代特点的传播“当代化”,既成为传统的一部分,也使传统更加具有鲜活的当代生命力。在全球化、网络化的今天,这一点更加重要。 我所在的曹山宝积寺现在已经成为中国的新兴的女众道场,女众们如法修学佛陀的教诲。作为“佛教当代化”的实践,我们一方面赋予传统“农禅”新的内容、发动周边的村民和信众共同参与当地有机绿色食品的开发和流通,分享收益。另一方面,开拓“文禅”产品,运用网络以轻松活泼的方式传播佛陀的教诲,结合文化创意产业开发“禅”系列工艺品、结缘品,使佛陀的教诲融入当代人群的文化艺术生活。没有了传统的修学,传播出来的就不是佛教;而传播不能“当代化”,则有愧于佛教. 昨天,我有幸瞻礼了百万人燃灯供佛大会,再次感受到佛陀的伟大。中国佛教禅宗有个重要的词汇叫做“传灯”,意即把佛陀教诲传递下去,传播开来。找到光明、传播光明也是我们这一代出家人的“佛教当代化”的使命。光明一直在这里,而传播光明的方式也一直是“当代化”的。我想,“佛教当代化”就是佛教传播在这个时代的一个命题,也是我们的一个使命。 谢谢大家! 阿弥陀佛! As a young Chinese Buddhist nun, I am very honored to be awarded the “WorldBuddhist Outstanding Award 2016". By tradition of Chinese culture ofpoliteness, I will say that I’m still not good enough to be awarded. Butconsidering this award plays the positive value-guiding impact in global spreadof Buddhism modernization, I would like to regard this as an encouragement forthe modernization of Buddhism. Hereby, I would like to take this opportunity toshare my experience with you. Ithink the word "the modernization of Buddhism" has vigorous vitality,and the history of the Buddhist spread is continuous process of "modernization", the Buddha’s instruction - life feeling and heart feeling,always combines with difference politics, culture and customs, whichdemonstrate the modernization character of these countries and areas. Introducedto China and integrated with Chinese culture, Buddhism has proved itself to bepart of the character of Chinese traditional culture. For example, Cao Shan BaoJi temple is the ancestor court of Soto which is one of the eight majorBuddhist sects in Chinese Buddhism. Zen encourages followers to comprehenddoctrine by soul directly, as a consequence, Zen advocates the practice of‘Nong Chan’ (which means the monks engage in farming self-sufficiency), whichallowed Zen to survive and develop in some special periods when aristocraticcounterparts was depressed. Therefore, the localization of Buddhism is suchimportant that the Buddha’s instruction and the study of the Buddha’sinstruction have become a tradition, and the modernization of spread combinedwith the local and the times not only has become a part of tradition but alsoallow the tradition more vivid. In a globalized, networked today, it isespecially important. TheBao Ji Temple where I am at has become the emerging Buddhist female temple inChina. The Buddhist women learn the Buddhist’s instruction. As the pilot of‘the modernization of Buddhism’, we endow with new content to ‘Farming-Zen’Named ‘Nong Chan’ by encouraging the surrounding villagers to involve into theproduction and logistics of organic rice and vegetables which can also bringbenefits and value to them. Meanwhile, we develop the “Cultural Zen” Named “WenChan” products which means we also build the culture brand and products, suchas promoting the Buddha’s theory and instruction by leveraging the internettechnology, besides, we develop the handicrafts and gifts branded with ‘Zen’through allying the innovative art industry. As a consequence, we integrate theBuddha’s instructions into the people’s daily life. The Buddhism would lose itsessence If we didn’t follow the traditional practice; at the same time, wewould feel ashamed in front of the Buddha if we couldn’t spread Buddhistreliefs in modern approach. Yesterdayit was my honor that I had the opportunity to attend the ceremony which offeredthe precious lamps for the Buddha with millions of people together. And onceagain I feel the greatness of the Buddha. In China, there is an important word of Zen called "传灯" which means the instruction of the Buddha should be alwayspassing and spreading. And it is also the mission of the monks and nuns. Thelight is always together with us, and the ways of spreading of the light shouldbe modernized too. I think, " the modernization of Buddhism " is notonly the proposition of Buddhism spreading, it is also the mission of all ofus. That’s all my sharing…。 www.guiyifo.com 皈依佛网 |